If you are the winner of your category at a WKU national championship, you could be joining WKU Team England and be representing your country at our next international championship event. Our experienced coaches Del Sampson, Richard Todd, and Matthew Hyndman, welcome advanced students of all ages to help us bring home the gold.
The WKU German Open and WKU World Championships are both very well attended events professionally managed and endorsed by World Kickboxing and Karate Union (WKU WORLDS). You can be sure of participating in sporting and competitive championships when you travel with WKU Team England.
The team stay in the same hotel and transfer to the venue together no matter where we travel. Hotels are handpicked by us to ensure they are both reasonably priced and accessible for the team. Breakfast and venue transfers are included in the price of all our hotel packages.
With our exclusive online area for managing WKU Team England events, it's easy to sign-up travellers and make payments when you choose to travel with us. Make bookings, order kit, see your balance, make payments, choose and edit categories or competitor details with ease.